Retrolution  (rêt-rò-loó-shûn) n. 1. The evolutionary process by which cool old stuff is recycled into cool new stuff for consumption by a new generation: you!

Brought to you in full
S8TAN Sez: Minions Wanted! Every Thursday Analogue brings you Retrolution '98, a night of ultimately danceable electronic music from some of the baddest motherf@%kers to ever twist a synth knob. Broadcasting direct from the Seventh Circle of Hell, DJ S8TAN spins a wide mix of electronica, industrial, techno, coldwave and electro sounds for your stomping pleasure. Retrolution '98 features 20 years of programmed, sequenced, spliced, looped, tracked, recorded, mastered, pressed, shipped, acquired, re-acquired, re-cycled and re-mixed noise just for you, the electronic junkie. This web site has the skinny on how to get to the room, what we played last week, who was there, and why you wanna be there this week. Remember, S8TAN sez you've only got one night to groove, and that night is Thursday. L8R SK8R!

S8TAN and SNOT! would like to thank Mistress SnailGrrl for donating the web space for the Retrolution '98 web site. You rule, Snail Girl! Web site built by Next Wave Software using the very cool web authoring application Rocket Science. Advertising by Rochester's Real Modern Rock Station, 90.5 FM WBER. S8TAN and SNOT! dedicate Retrolution '98 to all of you, come see us soon!

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Playlists and requests Stupid people tricks Alright, I'm in! So where the f*%# is this place?